We are an independent practice seeing patients privately or registered with Denplan. Children are also seen privately or under a Denplan scheme. Our full list of fees can be found below.
We always try to see patients at the appointed time. If you are kept waiting there is normally a good reason. If you have to cancel an appointment we require, whenever possible, 24 hours notice. This enables us to make alternative arrangements - perhaps to see someone in pain. There may be a charge for broken appointments.
We follow General Dental Council guidelines and have instituted a complaints scheme equivalent to that operating in the Health Service. We hope that this will ensure 100% satisfaction with the treatment offered at the practice.
The dental practice treatment rooms are situated on the first floor, but people with disabilities can gain access via a chair lift.
If you are in pain during practice hours, please telephone and we will endeavour to fit you into one of the day's emergency spaces. Outside of surgery hours an answering message will give you details of how to contact Dr Varghese or, during holidays etc, details of our locum service. Often a reassuring phone call is all that’s required. If you have a concern do call Dr Varghese and he can discuss the problem with you and, if necessary, book an appointment when the practice is open again.
As a caring practice we take all necessary precautions to safeguard both patients and staff against blood-bourne infections such as Aids and Hepatitis. We follow recommended guidelines with regard to instruments and the use of disposable items.